Balance Test Procedure

3. Stimulate blood flow by making big circles with your arm or shaking the hand downwards for 20 seconds.

4. Take out the single-use lancet. Remove the transparent safety cap and the lancet is ready to use.
Use alcohol wipe to clean the tip of your finger (middle finger is recommended).
Place the lancet against the lower part of the fingertip facing the collection paper on the table. Push the top of the lancet towards the finger until you hear a click. The lancet will automatically make a small prick in the finger.
5. Do not touch the filter paper with your fingers.
6. Fill one circle at a time with blood. Squeeze your finger gently and wait for a drop of blood to fall inside the circle by itself. If one drop of blood does not cover the circle, allow one more drop from your finger to drip immediately.
Leave the sample card in a horizontal position at room temperature for at least 10 minutes for the sample to dry well.
7. Insert the sample card back into the paper envelope. Then place the paper envelope into the metal bag and close it.
Important: Do not remove the desiccant packet inside the metal bag.
8. Place the closed metal bag into the big envelope:
NOTE! You must put the correct amount of postage (stamps) on the envelope before you put it in the mail box.
Register your test ID code at This is the web page where you can see your test results later. It takes 10-20 days until your result is ready.
Important: Keep the SAVE part of the card. Only you can see your test results, using your anonymous test ID.